Support us

Support Sailability Wellington

Sailability Wellington is an independent charitable trust (CC34476). Its purpose is to ensure that people with disabilities have lifelong opportunities on the water.

Sailability Wellington needs your support to ensure our programmes continue. Click on the 'sponsors' link below to learn more or to donate. All donations are tax deductible.

If you love to sail or to help others do so, we warmly encourage you to explore our  endowment and legacy initiative, currently under development, providing opportunities for making bequests.

Photography by Simon Hoyle, Southlight

Be a sponsor

Over many years, companies of all sizes have forged valuable partnerships with Sailability Wellington

Donate today

As a valued supporter who cares about sailing for people with disabilities, show your enthusiasm with a donation to Sailability Wellington

Endowment appeal & legacy gifts

Be part of Sailability Wellington's future and ensure a bright future for local sailors with disabilities